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Home Sustainability Safety/Environment/Health


Hyundai KEFICO strives for a safe and sustainable environment.

Hyundai KEFICO is concentrating on building an environment and system where all employees can work safely and healthy.

We establish safety and health policies to promote safety and health activities with the goal of zero accidents, to establish a culture of autonomous and preemptive safety management, and to promote mid- to long-term improvement measures.

Vision Zero accidents

Establishing an advanced environment, health and safety management system and safety culture

  • Compliance with environment, health and safety laws

    Compliance with environment, health and safety related laws and other regulations Minimisation of hazardous factors

  • Minimisation of hazardous factors

    Creation of safe and pleasant workplaces by minimising hazardous factors

  • Autonomous execution / continuous improvement

    Autonomous execution and continuous improvement of employees in all stages of environment, safety and health planning, implementation, and evaluation

  • Transparency management

    Enhancing corporate credibility by disclosing information such as environment, safety and health policies and performance to stakeholders

Innovation task
  • Establishment of evaluation system / responsible safety
  • Reinforcement of proactive accident prevention activities
  • Standardisation of environmental, health and safety management systems
  • Establishment of safety culture
Main activity
  • Safety and health

    Safety and health system

    • Operation of industrial safety and health committee
    • ISO45001 certification/operation

    Safety inspection

    • Inspection of hazardous locations by top management (monthly)
    • Operation of safety inspection day (monthly)
    • Special inspection on holidays/typhoons/winter/hot seasons

    Establishment of safety culture

    • Safety and health improvement activities with employees
    • Emergency response plan establishment and training
  • Environment

    Greenhouse gas and energy reduction

    • Greenhouse gas emission reduction, emission trading system operation
    • Operation of energy management subcommittee system

    Operation of facilities to prevent pollutant emissions

    • Implementation of quality inspection of prevention facilities
    • Increased efficiency: periodic inspection and maintenance

    Chemical management

    • Conversion of hazardous compounds to alternative substances (e.g. lead → lead-free)
    • Operation of pre-evaluation procedures for chemical substances introduction
  • Management of hazardous substances in products
    • Preemptive response to international environmental regulations (ELV, REACh, etc.)
    • Establishment of own material information management system (IT)
    • Inspection of hazardous substances in products
윤리경영위원회에서는 윤리경영위원장이 윤리경영 실천사무국(인사팀소속)에게 다음과 같은 내용으로 윤리경영 정책수립 및 교육을 실시함. 첫째 윤리규범 및 실천지침 개정/폐지 발의. 둘째, 윤리경영교육 실시. 셋째, 위원회 운영 관련 제반업무. 또한 윤리경영위원장이 윤리 감사 및 평가(경영개선팀)에서 다음과 같은 내용으로 윤리 감사 또는 징계 관리함. 첫째, 윤리감사. 둘째, 윤리 의식수준 조사(협력사 포함). 셋째, 윤리위반자의 징계 발의

*MDS : Material Data Sheet *G-BOM : Green Bill Of Material

윤리경영위원회에서는 윤리경영위원장이 윤리경영 실천사무국(인사팀소속)에게 다음과 같은 내용으로 윤리경영 정책수립 및 교육을 실시함. 첫째 윤리규범 및 실천지침 개정/폐지 발의. 둘째, 윤리경영교육 실시. 셋째, 위원회 운영 관련 제반업무. 또한 윤리경영위원장이 윤리 감사 및 평가(경영개선팀)에서 다음과 같은 내용으로 윤리 감사 또는 징계 관리함. 첫째, 윤리감사. 둘째, 윤리 의식수준 조사(협력사 포함). 셋째, 윤리위반자의 징계 발의

*MDS : Material Data Sheet *G-BOM : Green Bill Of Material

Environmental performance data

To minimize the environmental impact of our business activities, Hyundai KEFICO implements eco-friendly management under the vision of being a 'clean workplace leader.'
We monitor our entire process, from electricity and water—essential resources for production and management activities—to greenhouse gases and waste generated during the production process.

(Based on business sites in Korea)

Environmental performance data
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Energy usage MWh 44,590 44,646 46,306
Greenhouse gas emissions Scope1 tCO2e 3,752.640 3,731.791 3,564.627
Scope2 tCO2e 20,485.183 20,511.043 21,273.419
Total use of water resources t 111,267 107,427 109,798
Wastewater discharge t 15,206 12,035 12,319
Quality status of treated water TOC
(2020-2021 is
based on COD)
t 0.055 0.025 0.019
SS t 0.038 0.012 0.009
Air pollutant management NOx t 4.742 3.848 2.442
SOx t - 0.151 0.139
Dust t 0.770 0.584 0.391
Waste emissions General waste t 516.535 424.711 497.24
Designated waste t 53.487 63.920 62.92
Volume of waste recycled t 418.612 316.201 396.72
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