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Home Business EV Charger

EV Charger

EV charging technology advances the era of sustainable clean energy.

Longer and safer
An automotive-level premium electric vehicle charger

Hyundai KEFICO has been a specialist in automotive electronic control for about 40 years.
We offer a reliable, automotive-level charger incorporating system control technology that creates an ideal driving environment and quality assurance expertise recognized by the automobile industry.

Next-caliber ultra-fast charging
Production/installation of chargers for ultra-fast charging needs of 200kW or higher
Integrated EV-EVSE solutions
Advanced charging solution based on EV charging control capabilities
Match testing for new HMG electric vehicles
Advance charging verification before launch for all models
Safety-first product design
By system unit, multiple safety devices and structure separating high/low voltages
Reliable manufacturing quality
Additional verification program established for MES*-based charger manufacturing process
* MES: Manufacturing execution system
Real-time specialized monitoring
Remote diagnosis and issue prevention through independent maintenance platform
Ultra-fast charging portfolio of 200kW or higher

Ultra-fast charging portfolio
of 200kW or higher

Detachable power bank for easy scaling and expansion
& all-in-one power module with minimal installation area suitable for limited parking spaces

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